Okvlt Clothing store is the official store in Poland.
Our offer will continually grow - go ahead and check it out!
Webstore located in:
Okvlt Clothing (here you can send returns and compaints):
Jaromir Matusz
ul. Cicha 3/70
35-326 Rzeszów
Bank transfer:
Beneficiary bank name: Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA
Beneficiary account: PL 55 1020 4391 0000 6102 0136 5741 (if it does not work, use simply 55 1020 4391 0000 6102 0136 5741, without "PL")
Beneficiary name: Jaromir Matusz
Beneficiary address: Poland, 35-326 Rzeszow, Cicha 3/70
Beneficiary bank code (SWIFT code): BPKOPLPW
If you want to contact us, use this form or write us at store@okvltclothing.eu
We are answering e-mails in every business day.